606-207-7349 Webmaster
606-207-7349 Webmaster
606-207-7349 Webmaster
K4REF How to set up and configure Fldigi for first time users. Rick is very knowledgeable on this as well as several other subjects !!
K4REF Hope you enjoy it!!
What can we learn about the Inverted Vee HF single-band antenna from the EZNEC+ model? Lots of things, having to do with height above ground, the amount of spreading, and using a metal pole as a mast.
In my mind, these scopes on modern radios are one of the most useful tools. I try to explain exactly what they are showing you and how to visually identify signals on the waterfall.
Is your Ham Radio HT rubber ducky letting you down? Do you want to transmit a stronger signal to the repeaters? If so, I'll show you how to build a two meter quarter wave ground plane antenna. It is simple, low cost and quick to build. Give it a try, build one.
In this video I detail construction of a classic DIY antenna using 5' of 450 ohm window line (ladder line), 10' of RG58 coax w/bnc, a leatherman tool, duct tape, and a soldering iron w/flux and solder). Antenna is a 1/2 wave vertically polarized end fed design with a 1/4 wave matching section. Have fun !
A very good starter radio the Yaesu FT-70D , or for a veteran Ham Operator, Check your dealer for price as they are lower ! Analog /Digital Fusion !!
Basic information on how to use Wires X with the FT-70DR. Very easy !!!!
Do you like the idea of digital radio? Ever thought about trying out Fusion by Yaesu, but don't want to spend a ton of money trying it? If so then this video is for you! In this video I will do a quick overview and show you how to program the Yaesu FTM-7250DR Dual Band 144/430 MHz Digital Mobile Transceiver.
The Midland MXT115 is a repeater cable GMRS radio. But how do you set it up for repeaters ...Follow this as the book does not tell you this !!
Full 15W Radio + External Magnetic Mount Antenna for extended range
8 repeater channels for increased communication range
15 high power GMRS channels
142 privacy codes
NOAA Weather Radio
Silent Operation
Channel Scan
Programmable Squelch
Keypad Lock
Monitor Mode
Keystroke Tones
Backlit Display
Compatible with all Midland FRS/GMRS radios, 5" x 5.25" x 1"
I've try to made my multiband experimental version of the Multiband EFHW antenna without traps which will not work only on primary band and on it's harmonics.
We erect the MyAntennas EFHW-8010-1K end-fed half wave antenna that covers a small portion of the 80 meter band, plus all of 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, and 10 meters (but not 60m). I also show SWR results, which show this antenna will work with a rig that has a built-in tuner that can tune up to 3:1
Check out this great video
Here's a few antenna matching devices I've gathered and some experience with the antennas. CAPACITORS ARE 220 PF each and in series.
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